

Five minutes with Living Green's Nigel McLisky – Living Green Group -世界杯下注网站

Five minutes with Living Green's Nigel McLisky

We spoke with Living Green biochemist Nigel McLisky about the company's natural home cleaning product range, and what makes it unique.

Words Lara Wyatt


Nigel McLisky: Like many good things it took its time, starting in 2011 almost eight years ago. 我的女儿和我正在讨论如何改变新西兰天然产品的面貌和接受度. 我们有家庭成员患有哮喘和其他皮肤疾病,他们不能使用市场上的大多数产品 ... 我们找不到任何经过天然认证并符合全球标准的家庭清洁产品. It was around our kitchen table, with cups of tea where the original idea was generated.

我是一名生物化学家,我认为有可能挑战目前的想法,即你无法以负担得起的价格为家庭提供天然产品。西格丽德[麦克利斯基(Living Green的创意总监)]回顾了全球绿色产品的市场增长,看看它是否可以成为一个经济上可行的机会, and, to be honest, 让我相信,这是一个巨大的发展趋势,这项业务既可以获得经济上的成功,也可以帮助其他有类似问题的家庭.

结果是,我们决定开始研究和调查全球的自然/绿色化学和认证. Over time we were able to develop a wide range of brands and products, the best of those home cleaning formulations were bundled together into the Living Green brand, which launched late last year, and the launch has been great. 但对我来说,最值得和最谦卑的事情是,当我们从新西兰各地患有湿疹和其他皮肤疾病的新西兰人那里得到反馈时,他们说这让他们的生活变得更好、更容易, because we know it’s done the same for our family too.

You’ve got a United States Natural Products Certification. What is involved with getting this and what criteria do you have to meet?

A lot of analytical paperwork and trips to America. It’s an incredibly difficult certification to achieve and that's why we are so proud of it. In order to achieve the US Natural Products Association, 每个产品必须由至少95%的真正天然成分或来自天然来源的成分(不包括任何水)组成,并且不能含有任何可疑的人体健康风险成分.

The Natural Homecare Standard is designed to be focused on four key areas:

  • Natural ingredients: "natural" products should be made up of only, or at least almost only, 天然成分,为了被认为是“天然”的成分必须来自或由自然界中发现的可再生资源(植物群)制成, fauna, mineral).
  • Safety: "natural" products should avoid any ingredient that has peer-reviewed, scientific research showing human health or environmental risk.
  • Responsibility: "natural" products should use no animal testing in development except where required by law.
  • 可持续性:“天然”产品应使用可生物降解的成分和环保的包装.

这不仅指导了配方流程,而且还要求我们提供来自我们每个原材料供应商的完整的监管链文件, including manufacturing processes and source documentation. 所有这些信息都是由我们认为在自然领域受过良好教育的人汇编并送到美国进行审查的.

Can you give us some examples of the natural products you use and what synthetic products they replace?

There’s a lot of ingredients in the market that seem “natural” or say they are. 通常一种原料的原始来源是天然的,但它经历了太多的加工过程,以至于当它实际用于产品时,它不符合我们所追求的天然标准. And it's amazing how many companies use ingredients ... 他们说,它们是天然的,但生产的方式是通过使用合成或刺激性化学品来制造更便宜的产品, which can significantly or adversely alter the natural ingredient itself.

That’s the great thing about the Living Green products, 因为当你按照如此高的认证标准(美国天然产品协会)开发产品时,我们需要为世界杯下注网站每一种成分提供监管链文件,以供他们审查,以确保这些成分的生产过程不会对天然成分产生重大或不利的影响, 不使用石油化合物生产,生产过程最少,避免使用合成/刺激性化学品.

An example would be that we use natural plant glucoside detergent ingredients, 它是由椰子和大豆的葡萄糖提取物制成的,以取代传统的低成本洗涤剂,这些洗涤剂有潜在的刺激性,如十二烷基硫酸钠(SLS)。, sodium laureth sulphate (SLES) and sodium coco sulphate.

Another example would be that [we] don’t use any synthetic fragrances, 我们和市场上大多数其他产品最大的区别是你闻到的每一种香味都是直接从天然有机精油中提取的吗. 使用这些香精比合成香精更贵,但这再次体现了世界杯下注网站理念,即提供最高标准的安全和天然产品, which is supported and resonated in the certification process we have achieved, which also does not allow them.

Are all of Living Green’s products made in New Zealand? What was the importance to you in making sure Living Green products were locally made?

所有的配方都是在新西兰设计的,所有的产品除了碟片都是在这里制造的. It's important to us to support New Zealand businesses as much as possible. We believe in our country and providing jobs to as many people as we can. It’s also good for our carbon footprint.

The Living Green bottles are also recyclable! Are there any special steps people need to do before recycling?

Yes, 我们感到自豪的是,我们所有的瓶子都是可回收的,由高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)制成,这意味着它们在新西兰的每个议会区都被接受回收. As far as steps you should take when recycling bottles, it's important that you rinse the containers before you dispose of them. Some of our products have PETG recyclable shrink wrap sleeves, and you do need to remove these from the containers to enable recycling for both parts, 我们设计了这些易于撕裂的穿孔线和黑点,所以很容易看到在哪里移除它. 我们建议,对于任何塑料产品,都要尽量去除标签或包装进行回收,然后将其放入正确的回收箱中.

Can you tell us a bit about the new products? What’s the best way to use them, and what are they best used on?

Living Green is proud to be a home cleaning range, so we have a wide selection of products available. The best thing is that each product goes through a certification process, so you are guaranteed safe, and the best quality, products. We have multipurpose cleaners that are great for the whole home, bathroom cleaners help lift soap scum and glass cleaners that leave a streak-free finish, and the great thing is they all smell amazing. 在洗衣房,世界杯下注网站洗衣粉和洗衣液都是浓缩的,所以一点点就可以用很久.

And with dishwashing, ours isn't super bubbly, but for good reason, we do not add low cost synthetic ingredients that have bubbles as side effects. Bubbles or suds do not equal cleaning power, often there's an assumption that there is a correlation, 但实际上,当你看到一个气泡时,你看到的只是球形的空气袋,里面夹着肥皂分子,这些不能清洁任何东西. It's what’s in the water that's cleaning, 世界杯下注网站洗洁精可以和水很好地配合,这样你的盘子就能得到最好的效果.